Policy and FAQs

Refunds and Returns

Do you accept returns? You probably should, except in rare circumstances like when you custom make a product or personalize it for a specific buyer.

How many days does a customer have to return the product? 14-day return policies are pretty standard, and make sense for sellers without Fortune 500 logistics resources. If you can afford to, going even longer like 30 or 60 days can really ease customer concerns, and maybe lead to some impulse buys.

What’s your response to a return? Think about refunds, store credit (you can use a discount code for that), or exchanges for a different size or item with the same or similar price.

Do you refund the shipping costs, or cover the cost of the return shipment? This really depends, and there’s usually no wrong answer. Unless you specifically make a mistake, like sending the wrong product, it’s not unusual to expect a customer to at least pay a portion of the shipping fees. While it’s nice in theory to give a 100% refund to make people happy, it may not be feasible to run a business where you’re paying for shipping two ways just because of buyer’s remorse. If you sell heavy or large products that require expensive shipping, insurance, or packing materials, it makes even more sense to split the bill.

If you sell digital products like a download of your band’s albums, are these items eligible for refunds? This one’s tricky. There’s no way to guarantee someone hasn’t made a copy when you’re talking about a digital product. In that case, it’s not uncommon to have an “all sales final” policy. If possible, you’ll probably want to put a sample on a free or low-cost service, so potential customers can check it out before putting down some dough.


Do you charge sales tax? This is a question for a certified accountant or tax attorney in your area, but you better know the right answer, and it’s always a good idea to be upfront with your customers about any additional fees - even when they’re not going in your pocket.

Are shipping fees extra? If you offer free shipping, that’s a big selling point, so shout about it! If you have standard shipping fees, list them together in a place that’s easy to find. If it depends on the item, make sure that’s added to each product and clear throughout the process. Getting to checkout only to find out that shipping costs more than the item itself is no fun.

How is personal information stored and transmitted? Even though you might be a one-person show, to any one buyer you should look legit and professional - and that comes with a lot of responsibility. In the age of data breaches and ad tracking, people want to know where their personal information is going, who has access to it, and whether or not it’ll remain secure along the whole ride. You know your payment processor - like Stripe or PayPal - takes steps to keep that data safe, but customers might not, so tell ‘em.

What’s your privacy policy? Most online shops are required by law to post privacy policies, and it’s something we require for Big Cartel shops. You should check the requirements for your country and include all necessary details. We’re not attorneys, so this sample is not legal advice and is not guaranteed to satisfy the laws in your country.


  • Do you ship only on specific days of the week?
  • What’s your go-to shipping method?
  • What’s the estimated delivery speed for domestic and international shipments?
  • Are there certain countries where you’ve decided you won’t ship your products? (Sorry, Antarctica.)
  • Do you offer a pickup option for locals? (Dropping a free shipping discount code here can work great if your answer is yes.)
  • Is the shipping cost included in the price of your products? (Probably worth answering this again, even if you covered it in the payments section.)
  • Do you email out tracking information to your customers?
  • Do you offer any expedited shipping options by special request?
  • Do you offer gift-wrapping or custom notes? (A great way to boost your revenue for the holidays!)
  • Do you have any upcoming shipping blackout dates? (Think about vacations and holidays when you’re planning to take a break. You deserve it, and customers will understand.)